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Yangzhou ( Chinese: 揚州; former spellings: Yang-chou, Yangchow, Yang-chow; literally "Rising ") is a -level city in central Jiangsu Province, People's Republic of China. Sitting on the northern bank of the Yangtze River, it borders the capital of Nanjing to the southwest, Huai'an to the north, Yancheng to the northeast, Taizhou to the east, and Zhenjiang across the river to the south. it is one of the of China's cities, known at various periods for its great merchant families, poets, painters, and scholars.History
The first in the Yangzhou area, called Guangling (廣陵, Kuang-Ling) was founded in the Spring and Autumn Period. After the defeat of Yue by King Fuchai of Wu a garrison city was built 12 metres (39 ft) above water level on the northern bank of the Yangtze River c 485 BCE. This city in the shape of a three by three li square was called Hancheng.[1] The newly created Han canal formed a moat around the south and east sides of the city. The purpose of Hancheng was to protect Suzhou from naval invasion from the Qi. In 590 CE, the city began to be called Yangzhou, which was the name of what was then the entire part of China.
Under the second Sui Dynasty (581–617 CE) Emperor Yangdi (r. 604–617), Yangzhou was the southern capital of China and called Jiangdu upon the of the Jinghang (Grand) Canal until the fall of the dynasty. The city has remained a leading economic and cultural center and major port of foreign trade and external exchange since the Tang Dynasty (618-907). At one time many Arab and Persian merchants lived in the city but they were massacred in 760 CE during the An Shi Rebellion.During the Tang Dynasty many merchants from Korea's Silla Dynasty also lived in Yangzhou.
The city, still known as Guangling, was briefly made the capital of the Wu Kingdom during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period.
In 1280 AD, Yangzhou was the site of a massive gunpowder explosion when the bomb store of the Weiyang arsenal caught fire. This blast killed over a hundred guards, hurled debris from buildings into the air that landed ten li away from the site of the explosion, and could be felt 100 li away as tiles on roofs shook (refer to gunpowder article).
Marco Polo claims to have served in Yangzhou under the Mongol emperor Kubilai Khan in the period around 1282-1287 (to 1285, according to Perkins). Although some versions of Polo's memoirs imply that he was the governor of Yangzhou, it is more likely that he was an official in the salt industry, if indeed he was employed there at all. Chinese texts offer no evidence for his claim. The discovery of the 1342 tomb of Katarina Vilioni, member of an Italian trading family in Yangzhou, does, however, suggest the existence of a thriving Italian community in the city in the 14th century.
During the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644) until the 19th century Yangzhou acted as a major trade exchange center for salt (a regulated commodity), rice, and silk. The Ming were largely for building the city as it now stands and it with 9 (5.6 mi) of walls.
After the fall of Beijing and northern China to the Manchu in 1644, Yangzhou remained under the control of the short-lived Ming loyalist of the so-called Hongguang Emperor, based in Nanjing. The Qing forces, led by Prince Dodo, reached Yangzhou in the spring of 1645, and despite the heroic efforts of its chief defender, Shi Kefa, the city fell on May 20, 1645, after a brief siege. A ten-day massacre followed, in which, as it was alleged, 800,000 people died. Shi Kefa himself was killed by the Manchus as well, after he refused to switch his to the Qing regime.
The city's rapid recovery from these events and its great through the early and middle years of the Qing dynasty were due to its role as center of the Lianghuai sector of the salt monopoly. As early as 1655, the Dutch envoy Johan Nieuhof described the city (Jamcefu, i.e. Yangzhou-Fu, in his ) commented on the city's salt trade as follows:
This Trade alone has so very much enrich'd the of this Town, that they have re-built their City since the last by the Tartars, erecting it in as great splendor as it was at first.
Famed at that time and since for , art, and the gardens of its merchant families, many of which were visited by the Kangxi and Qianling emperors during their Southern Tours, the Qing-era Yangzhou has been the focus of intensive research by .
The Yangzhou riot in 1868 was a pivotal moment of Anglo-Chinese relations during the late Qing Dynasty that almost led to war.The crisis was fomented by the gentry of the city who opposed the presence of foreign Christian there. The riot that resulted was an angry crowd estimated at eight to ten thousand who assaulted the premises of the British China Inland Mission in Yangzhou by looting, burning and attacking the led by Hudson Taylor. No one was killed, however several of the were injured as they were forced to flee for their lives. As a result of the report of the riot, the British consul in Shanghai, Sir Walter Henry Medhurst took seventy Royal marines in a Man of war and steamed up the Yangtze to Nanjing in a show of force that resulted in an official apology from Viceroy Zeng Guofan and financial made to the injured .
From the time of the Taiping Rebellion (1853) to the end of the Communist (1949) Yangzhou was in decline, due to war damage and neglect of the Grand Canal as railways replaced it in . During the anti-Japanese War it endured eight years of enemy and was used by the Japanese as a site for camps. Hundreds of civilian "aliens" from Shanghai were here in 1943, and located in one of three camps (A, B, and C). Camp C, located in the former American Mission in the north-west of the city, was for the duration of the war.
Among early plans for railways in the late Qing was one for a line that would connect Yangzhou to the north, but this was in favour of an route. The city's status as a leading economic centre in China was never to be restored. Not until the 1990s did it begin to regain some semblance of , from national economic growth and a number of targeted projects. With the canal now partially restored, and excellent rail and road , Yangzhou is once again an important and market center. It also has some output, chiefly in cotton and textiles. In 2004, a railway linked Yangzhou for the first time with Nanjing.
Yangzhou dishes may be one of the reasons why the people of Yangzhou are so with their city. They have an appealing color, aroma, taste and . The original color of each is preserved after cooking, and no oily sauce is added, so as to retain the fresh savor of the food.
In Yangzhou all dishes, whether cheap or expensive, are elaborate. Cooks will not scrimp on their work, even with Zhugansi (stewed sliced dry bean curd), a popular dish that costs only a few yuan. Dry bean curd is made by each that serves it, so the flavor is . The cook slices the 1-cm-thick curd into 30 shreds, each one paper-thin but none broken, and then stews them for hours with chopped bamboo shoots and shelled shrimps in chicken soup. In this way the dry bean curd shreds can soak up the flavor of the other , and the soup is clear but savory. It is not only Yangzhou cooks but also the ordinary people who are about cooking.