不少"【天津雅思一對一補習機構】 烤鴨"反映,閱讀考試中經常因為時間緊、句子長、看不懂而導致分數不理想。今天我們就來分析一下雅思閱讀考試中長難句的特點,再逐一擊破,幫助大家提高閱讀的效率。
通讀劍橋真題,不難發現,雅思閱讀文章里的句子以結構復雜、修飾成分多著稱,先舉兩個例子讓大家感受一下。例句1:It is common for
supporters of road networks to reject the models of cities with good public
transport by arguing that such systems would not work in their particular city.
再看例句2:Those who are professionally engaged in the art of interpreting
history are thus in a difficult position, as they must steer a narrow course
between the demands of ‘evidence’ and‘attractiveness’, especially given the
increasing need in the heritage industry for income-generating activities. 該句出自劍9
請看例句并找出句子的主干:Another powerful source of information for infants about the
effects they can have on the world around them is provided when others mimic
them. (出自劍9 T4R1)。
本句的主干是:Source is provided. 此句找主干的難點在于確定主語。主語(another powerful source of
information for infants about the effects they can have on the world around
them)的修飾成分極多,由于形容詞powerful,介詞of、for、about、around引導的短語和省略了that的定語從句they can have
on the world都是修飾成分,果斷不看,直接劃出*核心的主語source。謂語is
請看例句:Researchers, now analysing the results of data gathered in 1994【天津雅思輔導靠譜機構】, say
arthritis, high blood pressure and circulation problems—the major medical
complaints in this age group—are troubling a smaller proportion every year.
(出自劍6 Test2的第2篇文章)。
插入成分有哪些標志呢?除了破折號之外,常見的還有逗號,如:Turning her attention to minerals, she found
her interest drawn to pitchblende, a mineral whose radioactivity, superior to that of pure uranium, could be explained only by the
presence in the ore of small quantities of an unknown substance of very high
activity. (出自劍9
mineral whose
trick, Shannon showed, is to find ways of packaging up – ‘coding’ – information
to cope with the ravages of noise, while staying within the information –
carrying capacity – ‘bandwidth’ – of the communication system being used. (劍9
所謂嵌套結構,就是從句里包含從句而形成的重疊結構。如:劍9 Test4第2篇文章中的Lewis and Brooks-Gunn (1979)
suggest that infants’ developing understanding that the movements (that)they see in the mirror are
contingent on their own, leads to growing awareness that they
are distinct from other people.
Test4的第3篇文章中有這樣一個句子:On so-called heritage sites the re-enactment of historical
events is increasingly popular and computers will soon provide virtual reality
experiences, which will present visitors with a vivid image of the period of
their choice, in which they themselves can act as if part of
the historical environment. 請大家先斷句,再找找in which的先行詞。
斷句如下:On so-called heritage sites / the re-enactment of historical events is
increasingly popular / and computers will soon provide virtual reality
experiences, which will present visitors with a vivid image of the period of
their choice, in which they themselves can act / as if part of
the historical environment. 斷句的難點在處,此處斷得不對,主語就找不對。In
which的先行詞,in which引導的從句是來解釋到底是一個什么樣的時期,而不是來解釋什么樣的選擇的。
are reports of igloos losing their insulating properties as the
snow drips and refreezes, of lakes draining into the sea as
permafrost 【天津哪家學雅思】melts, and sea ice breaking up earlier than usual,
carrying seals beyond the reach of hunters. (劍6
除了能幫助我們理清關系,平行結構還能幫助我們預測文章的思路,比如:The numeration system of the Tsimshian
language in British Columbia contains seven distinct sets of
words for numbers according to the class of the item being counted: for counting
flat objects and animals, for round objects and time, for people, for long
objects and trees, for canoes, for measures, and for counting when on particular
object is being numerated. (劍6