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      天才教育網合作機構 > 北京語言培訓機構 > 北京英語培訓機構 >




      全國統一學習專線 9:00-21:00

      位置:北京語言培訓資訊 > 北京英語培訓資訊 > 終于明了多少錢英語口語怎么說


      日期:2019-11-02 15:51:37     瀏覽:231    來源:天才領路者

      英語教學的目的就是為了應用和交際,口語大多是靠聲音傳播的,這就需要學生也要以聲音的方式多加練習,這樣才能事半功倍。那么多少錢英語口語怎么說呢?一起來了解下吧: ?

      【多少錢英語口語怎么說】 ?



      how much is it ?

      例句: ?

      How much will you give me for my old car ? ?

      你肯出多少錢買我那輛舊車? ?

      How much did you realize on those paintings ? ?

      那些畫你賣了多少錢? ?

      How much did they tax you for that hat ? ?

      那頂帽子他們要你多少錢? ?

      Good . how much does that come to altogether . ?

      好,總共是多少錢? ?

      How much have you spent on books this term ? ?

      這學期你在買書上用了多少錢? ?

      What are they asking for their house ? ?

      他們那所房子要多少錢?。 ?

      This old watch won't fetch you much . ?

      你這只舊表賣不出多少錢。 ?

      I can 't tell offhand how much it will cost .. ?

      我不能立刻告訴你它值多少錢。 ?

      What will you take for this bicycle ? ?

      這部自行車你賣多少錢? ?

      【一共多少錢英語怎么說】 ?

      how much is it all together ?

      例句: ?

      Sis kinds of meat sliced . how much will it cost ?

      賓客:我們要6生片的,一共多少錢 ?

      Excuse me , how much do i owe ?

      一共多少錢? ?

      How much is it all together ?

      一共多少錢 ?

      How much is it in total ?

      一共多少錢? ?

      I ' d like this with golden fish and that with panda . what ' s the price of 10 handkerchiefs ?

      我喜歡這條上面有金魚和那條帶熊貓的, 10條一共多少錢? ?


      【這個多少錢英語怎么說】 ?

      how much is this fund ?

      例句: ?

      What ' s the price of this ?

      這個多少錢這個的價格是多少 ?

      Um , excuse me . how much are these ?

      嗯,勞駕,這個多少錢 ?

      By the way how much was it for ?

      對了,這個多少錢? ?

      How much does this cost ?

      這個多少錢? ?

      How much is the calaca ?

      這個多少錢 ?

      How much are these ?

      這個多少錢? ?

      How much are those ?

      這個多少錢? ?

      Frank wanted to buy his fiance a wedding ring . he pointed at a diamond one and asked the shop assistant , “ how much is it ?

      弗蘭克想給未婚妻買一枚結婚戒指,他指著柜臺里的一枚鉆戒問售貨小姐: “這個多少錢? ” ?

      【價格的英語怎么說】 ?

      price; tariff ?

      例句: ?

      Price 5 yuan, packing and postage extra . ?

      包裝和郵費在外,價格五元。 ?

      Electricity and gas rates are not going up . ?

      電和煤氣價格不會上漲了。 ?

      Competition should beat the price down . ?

      (市場)競爭會使價格下跌。 ?

      Prices at the fairs are stable with a slight decline . ?

      價格穩中有降。 ?

      Prices in the shares market are rock-steady . ?

      股票市場的價格非常平穩。 ?

      Our prices start from $ 2.50 a bottle . ?

      我們的價格起碼是2.50一瓶。 ?

      Energy and raw material costs are skyrocketing . ?

      能量和原材料價格飛漲。 ?

      A better price might interest the buyers . ?

      較好的價格可以引起買主的興趣。 ?



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