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      天才教育網合作機構 > 培訓機構 >




      全國統一學習專線 9:00-21:00

      位置:培訓資訊 > 總算明白銀行賬戶英語作文


      日期:2019-10-15 17:23:20     瀏覽:319    來源:天才領路者
        想要取得寫作的高分希望大家一定要重視寫作高分范文的積累,多多了解一下寫作技巧是 什么,重慶美聯英語小編為您提供作文范文及其翻譯,本篇是關于銀行賬戶英語作文。


        People in America usually have two kinds of bank accounts.   First, they have a checking account. Those accounts don't usually pay interest,but they let people write checks. Checks are often used to buy things or pay for services. Some checking accounts are free, but others charge a monthly fee.   The second kind of account is a savings account. The more money is in the account, the higher the interest is. Very often, both savings and checking accounts areat the same bank. So, it's easy to transfer money between accounts.   Few people go to their banks for services. With all the big banks, you can do your banking by telephone, computer, or an ATM. At an ATM, you can deposit and withdraw money, check your balance, and transfer money. And people can use their AT cards topay for things, like at grocery stores and gas stations. ? ? ? ?譯文:   在美國的人通常會有兩種銀行賬戶。   *種是支票賬戶。這種賬戶銀行不會付利息給您.而只讓人們用它來開支票以支付支票金額。支票常用于買東西或支付服務費。有些銀行免費提供支票賬戶,有些銀行則會收一些月費。   第二種是存款賬戶。賬戶里的錢越多,利息就越高。人們經常將存款賬戶和支票賬戶設在同一個銀行,那樣在兩個賬戶之間相互轉賬就會變得很容易。   很少有人會親自到銀行要求服務。所有大銀行都可以讓你用電話、電腦或是自動提款機來做賬戶的管理。用自動提款機,你可以存款、提款、查詢余額和轉賬,而且人們可以用他們的金融卡來付錢,比如在超市或加油站付賬時。   高頻詞匯   deposit ? ?存款,儲蓄   identification ? 身份證明:鑒定   memo ? 備忘錄,便簽   exchange rate ? 匯率   maturity date ? 到期日   urgent ? ?緊急的 ? ? ? ? 以上是由重慶美聯英語小編為您整理的關于銀行賬戶英語作文的全部內容。


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