Many people believe that it is veryimportant to make large amounts of money, whileothers are satisfied to earn acomfortable living. Analyze each viewpoint and take a stand.Give specificreasons for your position. 許多人認為賺大量的錢是非常重要的,而另一些則滿足于獲得舒適的生活。不同人有不同的角度:分析每個觀點和立場,站在你的角度給出具體原因。
Are you satisfied with the money you earncurrently? It's probable to hear the majority say“definitely no”while a small patch of people whispering “quite so”。 Indeed,different peoplehold completely different views on monetary matters,especially this one. What are the twoattitudes anyway? An analysis of bothviewpoints may help us get a deeper perspective on theissue.
Let's turn to the majority first. It is nodenying that many people believe it is crucial tomake large amounts of money,some of whom even set their life goals as such. It is not withoutreasons.After all, money provides us with better living conditions. Bigger houses,faster cars,better education, advanced computers, appealing traveldestinations or simply a nice meal allrequire the presence of money. Since thedevelopment in all aspects, from prototypes for a newcell phone to the latesteducational cruise to Alaska,never stops along its path for us to catchour breath, humans are constantlyrunning after these exponentially-growing achievements.
Therefore, a desire toearn more money seems natural, in the pursuit of a better life.
What about those whisperers? Some peoplehold that they are satisfied to earn acomfortable living. Their life goals lienot in the money they earn, but in life itself. The quality oflife, they hold,although sometimes inevitably connected with money, is based upon ourattitudestoward life and how we enjoy life. Many people in this category cherishtheinterpersonal relationships and spiritual pleasures in life more than materialgaining.
In my point of view, I prefer the latterchoice. Perhaps the biggest drawback to a money-pursuing life is that we are sobusy with making money that we spare no time in enjoying ourlife, whichbasically loses the meaning of all the money earned. Also, once mired inearningmoney, people have a vague idea about how much is “enough”,thus propelled by themotivation to work harder and harder. There isessentially no end to earning money, whichfurther deprives us of the right tostop and smell the roses. Take my family for example. Wedon't really carewhether we spend the night in a grand tour to Europe,or a simple meal athome. What really matters is how we communicate with eachother. I believe sharing eachother's feelings is much more important as wellas meaningful than the extravagance bought.
To sum up, I strongly agree that it isthrough the appreciation of life itself that we find theultimate meaning ofearning money. Comfortable living is what we desire, after all.