If you could meet a famous entertainer orathlete, who would that be, and why?
If given the chance to meet a famousentertainer or athlete, I would definitely chooseNorah Jones, winner of 8Grammy Awards in 2003.
In the first place, as an amateur in jazzmusic, I would like to ask her for some tips in jazzperformance. Since I firstheard her voice over the radio, I have been deeply attracted by heruniquevoice, a wonderful mixture of ease, leisure, laziness, a bit of everythingtogether. I'vealways been wondering how to effectively convey my feelingsthrough my voice. A talk withNorah Jones might hopefully give me some inklingand teach me how to make my songs singfor my soul.
Second, having previously known that NorahJones has been performing in a pub as ateenager, I would like to know moreabout her opinions on teenage working, both full-timeand part-time. As auniversity student, I'm still struggling between my major and my truecalling,which is music. I appreciate her opinions on whether I should follow my musicdreams orshall I just keep it a hobby. And if I were to chase my dream, isplaying for pubs the bestchoice? Since Norah Jones has more experience on thistopic, a meet with her might very wellset my future road towards a steadydirection.
Third, since I personally admire NorahJones to a great extent, I would like to take her on atrip of my own country, China. China aboundswith natural scenery that differs from that of theStates, a diversity ofarchitectural styles, different Chinese cuisines, and a host ofpassionatepeople. Taking a tour of our wonderful country and its distinct culture maygiveNorah Jones some inspirations on musical creation. I would be overjoyed ifher trip toChinawould contribute more or less to her next album. If not, I would still feelsatisfied, sincefew people can enjoy a trip with their idol. And what's best,I can practice my oral English withher along the trip!
That's why I look forward to meeting NorahJones, my favorite jazz singer and composer.