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      天才教育網合作機構 > 培訓機構 >




      全國統一學習專線 9:00-21:00

      位置:培訓資訊 > 終于明了托福寫作范文|關于人物的托福寫作范文與翻譯


      日期:2019-09-12 13:22:37     瀏覽:359    來源:天才領路者
        托福寫作范文|關于人物的托福寫作范文與翻譯。托福考試作文是一個大的得分點,但是有很多托福考生沒能把握好導致失分嚴重。英語根據多年的托福培訓經驗從出色托福作文中抽取出有代表性的范文及翻譯,提供給大家借鑒,以下就是英語小編為您整理的:托福寫作范文|關于人物的托福寫作范文與翻譯。   托福寫作范文|關于人物的托福寫作范文與翻譯題目: ?   If you could meet a famous entertainer orathlete, who would that be, and why? ?   如果你能會晤一個*藝人或運動員,會是誰,為什么? ?   范文: ?   If given the chance to meet a famousentertainer or athlete, I would definitely chooseNorah Jones, winner of 8Grammy Awards in 2003. ?   如果有機會遇見一個*的藝人或運動員,我肯定會選擇諾拉·瓊斯,2003年第八屆格萊美獎得主。 ?   In the first place, as an amateur in jazzmusic, I would like to ask her for some tips in jazzperformance. Since I firstheard her voice over the radio, I have been deeply attracted by heruniquevoice, a wonderful mixture of ease, leisure, laziness, a bit of everythingtogether. I'vealways been wondering how to effectively convey my feelingsthrough my voice. A talk withNorah Jones might hopefully give me some inklingand teach me how to make my songs singfor my soul. ?   首先,作為一個業余的爵士樂,我想問她一些建議爵士樂的性能。自從我*次聽到她的聲音廣播,我已經被她獨特的聲音深深吸引,一個美妙的放松、休閑、懶惰、一切在一起。我一直想知道如何有效地傳達我的感情通過我的聲音。與諾拉·瓊斯可能希望給我一些暗示和教我如何讓我的靈魂我的歌曲唱。 ?   Second, having previously known that NorahJones has been performing in a pub as ateenager, I would like to know moreabout her opinions on teenage working, both full-timeand part-time. As auniversity student, I'm still struggling between my major and my truecalling,which is music. I appreciate her opinions on whether I should follow my musicdreams orshall I just keep it a hobby. And if I were to chase my dream, isplaying for pubs the bestchoice? Since Norah Jones has more experience on thistopic, a meet with her might very wellset my future road towards a steadydirection. ?   第二,在之前知道諾拉·瓊斯青年時期一直在酒吧表演,我想知道更多關于她的意見青少年工作,全職和兼職。作為一個*生,我仍然掙扎在我的專業和我真正的調用,這是音樂。我想了解她的意見關于我應該跟隨我的音樂夢想還是說只是保持一種愛好。如果我要追逐我的夢想,在酒吧是比較好的選擇嗎?在這個話題上,諾拉·瓊斯以來更多的經驗,多向她曲靖很可能會讓我的未來道路朝著更穩定的方向發展。 ?   Third, since I personally admire NorahJones to a great extent, I would like to take her on atrip of my own country, China. China aboundswith natural scenery that differs from that of theStates, a diversity ofarchitectural styles, different Chinese cuisines, and a host ofpassionatepeople. Taking a tour of our wonderful country and its distinct culture maygiveNorah Jones some inspirations on musical creation. I would be overjoyed ifher trip toChinawould contribute more or less to her next album. If not, I would still feelsatisfied, sincefew people can enjoy a trip with their idol. And what's best,I can practice my oral English withher along the trip! ?   第三,因為我個人很欣賞諾拉·瓊斯,我想帶她旅行的我自己的*——*。*有很多自然風光,不同于美國,建筑風格的多樣性,不同的*美食,充滿激情的人。參觀我們美好的*和它的獨特的文化可能給諾拉·瓊斯一些靈感創造音樂。我想如果她訪問*會或多或少有助于她的下一張專輯。如果沒有,我仍然感到很滿意,因為很少有人能享受旅行與他們的偶像。什么是比較好的,我可以練習我的英語口語和她一起旅行! ?   That's why I look forward to meeting NorahJones, my favorite jazz singer and composer. ?   這就是為什么我期待和諾拉·瓊斯——我喜歡的爵士歌手和作曲家交流。      以上就是英語小編為您整理的:托福寫作范文|關于人物的托福寫作范文與翻譯。英語在此提醒大家,作文切忌死記硬背,合理的使用托福寫作范文,正確對待托福考試。


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