托福寫作范文|關于寵物的托福寫作范文與翻譯。托??荚囎魑氖且粋€大的得分點,但是有很多托??忌鷽]能把握好導致失分嚴重。深圳英語根據多年的托福培訓經驗從出色托福作文中抽取出有代表性的范文及翻譯,提供給大家借鑒,以下就是深圳英語小編為您整理的:托福寫作范文|關于寵物的托福寫作范文與翻譯。 ? 托福寫作范文|關于寵物的托福寫作范文與翻譯題目: ? For some people, pets are such anindispensable part of their life that they even carrythem when shopping orgoing to parties. While others maintain a more logic attitudetowards pets. ? 對一些人來說,寵物是他們的生活中不可或缺的一部分,甚至帶著他們去購物或狂歡。而另一些人則對寵物保持謹慎而合理的態度。 ? 范文: ? Are pets really that important? An emphaticyes. People, extremely those without enoughcaring from their family members,enjoy the company of a pet, or even pets. Pets can be ofgreat psychologicaleffects to people suffering from loneliness or depression. They act asanobject for one-way communication, which helps the person share his feelingsandexperiences with the companion, who without a doubt will give someuntranslatablefeedbacks. The role as a ventilation is critical, the lack ofwhich may results in unhealthyhobbies such as addict in computer games, or adepression from talking to other people,because research has shown that longperiod of non-communication often leads topsychological problems such asdepression in adults and autism in children. The huge impactbrought about byeither the presence or the absence of a pet renders it worth of thetreatmentlike a family member. ? 或許有人會問:寵物真的那么重要嗎?這是肯定的。那些極度缺乏足夠的家庭關愛的人,享受著寵物甚至寵物們給他們帶來的陪伴和關愛。寵物可以在心理上減輕人們遭受的孤獨或抑郁。寵物們作為單向通信的一個對象,這有助于人們通過他們的陪伴來分享自己的感情經歷,毫無疑問會給一些難懂的情感反饋。作為情感的出口是至關重要的,缺乏可能導致不健康的愛好,例如成癮者沉迷電腦游戲,或跟別人說話都會感到抑郁。研究表明,長期缺乏溝通交流常常會導致心理問題,如抑郁成人和兒童孤獨癥。帶來的巨大的影響存在或缺乏價值寵物呈現它的治療像一個家庭成員。 ? From another point of view, humans are alsoobliged to treat pets kindly, family membersat best. When we buy a pet, orpick up one on the street, we realize from that point on that weshould bearthe responsibility of taking good care of the pet. The situation is somewhatlikepicking up an orphan at the orphanage. The example may be a littlefar-fetched, since humansand pets enjoy hugely different rights. However, itsheds light on the issue of our responsibility towards pets once they are home. ? 從另一個角度看,人類也必須要善待寵物,家庭成員。當我們買一只寵物,或在街上撿到他們。從那一刻起,我們就應該意識到,我們有承擔的責任照顧好寵物。情況有點像在孤兒院領養孤兒一樣。因為人類和寵物享受不同的權利,這個例子可能有點牽強。然而,它揭示了我們對寵物責任一旦把他們領回家后。 ? However, some people have developed such akin relationship with their pets that theyhave automatically cut off theconnection with the human world. It seems weird but examplesabound. I used tohave a neighbor who bears the exact traits of a “pet family goer”. Hefeedsthe pets regularly and even let them occupy his living spaces. There islittle problem so far. ? However, during the past five years of being neighbors,I have never talked with him even once,because he always locks himself up withhis pets. On one occasion, I happened to see him inthe staircase and wished tosay “hello”. But he ran off as quickly as possible. Obviously,myneighbor's love for pets has probably reached an unhealthy amount. The“symptoms” ? include misconstrue of other people's intentions andrefusing to communicate with them. ? 然而,一些人已經發展成把自己的寵物當成是親屬關系,卻跟人類世界自動切斷了聯系。這似乎很奇怪,但是例子比比皆是。我曾經有過一個鄰居熊的確切特征“寵物家庭有進取心的人”。他經常喂寵物,甚至讓他們占領他的生活空間。到目前為止沒有問題。然而,作為已經跟他五年鄰居的我來說,我從來沒有和他聊過天,因為他每次都把自己的注意力留在自己的寵物身上。有一次,我在樓梯碰巧看到他,想說“你好”。但他盡可能快地跑了。顯然,我鄰居對寵物的愛可能已經達到一種病態的癥狀?!鞍Y狀”包括誤解他人的意圖和拒絕與他們交流。 ? To sum up, pets deserve to be treatedkindly due to their huge impact on our spiritual lifeas good companions.However, over-attendance may lead to interpersonal problems. Thecrucial pointis to find a balanced position for them. ? 總之,寵物應該被友善對待由于其巨大的影響對我們的精神生活的好伙伴。然而,寵物的過度入侵生活可能導致人際關系問題。關鍵是要找到一個平衡的位置。 ? 以上就是深圳英語小編為您整理的:托福寫作范文|關于寵物的托福寫作范文與翻譯。深圳英語在此提醒大家,作文切忌死記硬背,合理的使用托福寫作范文,正確對待托??荚?。