您的孩子也可以像他們一樣成為英語達人—————— Your children can be as good as they are. —————— [圖片11] Nina? 獲得2014年共青團中央“星星火炬”*少年組浙江賽區一等獎 ? 學員分享:I have been learning English in Hampsonover a year. I was so excited when I won the first prize in the star TorchEnglish Talent Competitions of Chinese Young stars in Zhejiang province. It wasa little nervous for me at first. But my English teacher Lena encouraged me andgave me really big help. She taught me what to do for the contest. I love her so much. I like to share everything with her. We are good friends of course.教師評價:Nina算是我們浙江校區的小名人了,有一定的英語基礎,她生性活潑,很好學多問,是個非常乖巧的女孩子。我們并不是單純意義的師生關系,她也當我是她的朋友,我們很平等的關系在交流,正因為如此,她更加有理性的思考,對于學習上,也非常用心。[圖片12] 梅文彬?年齡:18歲 2015年高考總成績是694,英語單科成績高達142分。 ? 學員分享:來漢普森不知不覺已經幾年了。應試教育給我啞巴英語,我能在考試中得高分,但一直開不了口。外教Max給了我信心,學習英語就在于信心!語感順暢了,語法不攻自破,英語成績靠前。我喜歡上英文歌,英文電影,BBC,TED……英語成為我生活的一部分。北大自主招生重視英語,在其不同于高考的靈活考查中,漢普森給了我幫助。確定志愿后,我還參加了香港*面試。Max給從未參加全英面試的我上課訓練,我一路殺進二面,拿到offer。學習英語就在于信心! ? 教師評價:On behalf of Hampson English school , I , Maxime Hersant , wants to say how proud I am to have been Daniel (Mei wenbin) 's teacher , these last few years . He always was a gifted student but not only has he fulfilled his potential as a learner , he has also developed as a respectful and responsible individual , objective , open-minded and curious about any topic or subject studied . I suppose that he was predestined to study science in college and so he is now , about to embark on the path of scientific research in the field of biology . I wish him the best because he has always been and will always be one of the best here . ?