歡迎新員工的商務英語句子 ?
1、Come with me, please. 請跟我來;2、I will give you an orientation. 我會教你適應環境的。下面介紹更多歡迎新員工的商務英語句子,希望對您有所幫助。
1.Come with me, please. 請跟我來 ?
A:Hi, Jennifer. ?
B:Hi,Lily,welcome to join us, I will show you around. Come with me,please. ?
A:你好,珍妮佛。 ?
B:你好,莉莉,歡迎你加入我們,我帶你四處看看,請跟我來。 ?
2. Get on board 加入我們(團隊) ?
A: When did you get on board? ?
B: Last Friday. ?
A:你什么時候加入我們的? ?
B:上周五。 ?
3.I will give you an orientation. 我會教你適應環境的。 ?
A: It's my first day at work. What am I supposed to do? ?
B: Don't worry, I will give you an orientation. ?
A:今天是我*天上班,我應該做些什么呢? ?
B:別擔心,我會教你適應環境的。 ?
4.If you need anything, just…… ?
A: If you need anything, just give me a holler. ?
B: Thank you, it's very nice of you. ?
A:如果你需要什么,跟我說一聲。 ?
B:謝謝你,你真好。 ?
5.Let me show you around.讓我帶你四處看看。 ?
A: This place is like a maze, I'm totally confused. ?
B: Let me show you around. ?
A:這里像個迷宮,我完全糊涂了。 ?
B:我帶你四處看看。 ?
商務英語對話之詢問特價 ?
句式1:Please inform us of your lowest price. ?
請告知我方你們的*價格。 ?
A:Please inform us of your lowest price. ?
請告知我方你們的*價格。 ?
B:How many sets do you want to order? ?
貴方要下多大的訂單? ?
A:20000 sets. ?
20000臺。 ?
B:That's a big order. ?
是一個大訂單。 ?
句式2:How much discount could you offer on an order of this size? ?
這么大的訂單,貴方給多少折扣呢? ?
A:How much discount could you offer on an order of this size? ?
這么大的訂單,貴方給多少折扣呢? ?
B:What's the mode of delivery? ?
你方出貨方式是什么? ?
A:CIF New York. ?
紐約到岸價。 ?
您可以根據供應商的聯系方式,打電話或者e-mail給對方,更直接地跟供應商交流溝通,增加雙方的真實感和互動性。 ?
其他表達法: ?
Please inform us what special offer you can make us. ?
請告知我們能夠給我們的特價。 ?
Here is a list of my requirements and I'd like to have your lowest quotations. ?
這是我的詢價單,請給我報*價。 ?
有關詢價的商務英語對話 ?
句式1:Many of customers are interested in your "Seagull" brand household scissors and we wish to have your Shanghai quotations. ?
我們的很多顧客對你們的海鷗牌家用剪刀感興趣,我們現向你方詢問上海報價。 ?
A: Many of customers are interested in your "Seagull" brand household scissors and we wish to have your Shanghai quotations. ?
我們的很多顧客對你們的海鷗牌家用剪刀感興趣,我們現向你方詢問上海報價。 ?
B: How many goods do you want? ?
你們想要多少貨? ?
A: 5000. ?
5000把。 ?
句式2:Please make an offer before the end of this month. ?
請在本月底前給我們回復。 ?
A: And the delivery? ?
價格怎么算? ?
B: On CIF Hong Kong. ?
到香港碼頭的到岸價。 ?
A: OK. We will inform you as soon as possible. ?
好的。我們會盡快通知您。 ?
B: Please make an offer before the end of this month. ?
請在本月底前給我們回復。 ?
填寫“詢價單”時,盡可能將產品規格、型號、數量等信息填寫完整,運用合適的專業術語。 ?
其他表達法: ?
Please make us an offer for hand-made leather gloves. ?
請給我們手工皮手套的報價。 ?
Please make us an offer of giving your price FOB New York. ?
請給我們到紐約的離岸價報價。 ?
BEC商務英語句子精選 ?
1. The goods we ordered on February 12 have arrived in a damaged condition. ?
我方2月12日訂購的貨物抵達時已經遭損。 ?
2. A number of cases are broken and the contents are badly damaged. ?
有好幾個箱子是壞的,里面的商品也遭到了嚴重的損壞。 ?
3. The package are insufficient and the contents leak out considerably. ?
包裝不固,大量的東西漏了出來。 ?
4. We wish to inform you that five of the cars we bought from you have been seriously out of order within 50Km driving distance. ?
我方想要通知貴方,向你方購買的其中輛小車在行駛了不到50KM就出了嚴重故障。 ?
5. Nearly 20% of the bales were broken and the contents badly soiled. ?
將近20%的包都破了,包內的貨物嚴重污損。 ?
6. From the shipment of 2,000 cases of glassware, we ind that a number of wooden cases and the contents have been broken. ?
我們在2000箱玻璃制品中發現了不少木箱及內裝制品破損。 ?
7. On inspection, we found that about 50 bags are broken and it is estimated that 240Kg of cement had been lost. ?
驗貨時,我方發現將近有50包破損,估計損失240KG水泥。 ?
8. We regret to inform you that eight of the cases of your consignment arrived in a badly damaged condition. ?
非常遺憾地通知你們,你方運出的貨物抵達后,有8箱嚴重破損。 ?
9. We have examined the contents and find that 92 pieces are missing and the rest unfit for use. ?
經貨物檢驗,我方發現少了92件,其余的也無法使用。 ?
80. Your shipment of goods has been found short in weight by reinspection. ?
經復驗,發現貴方發送的貨物短重。 ?