出色學員:Jessica There are a lot of different methods for us to learn English well. For example, studying English all by yourself, having class in a training school and so on. Now,I think Ishow English is the best choice. There are good teachers and great study environmentand It offers many kinds of different English classes which you can be entirely involved. After six months of learning, I have summarized a set of learning methods. First, master basic grammar structure. It is the foundation work and good for the next studying. Second, people often forget the words, so it is more important to understand how to describe words than memorizing them. Third, open your mouth and speak English loudly, no matter it is right or wrong.? ? [圖片3]出色學員:Fire Hello, I’m a student here. My name is Fire. I’m from Hubei. First, I am happy that I can study here and it is like a warm family. There are warm smiles, kind communication, reasonable management and great patience .So l love our school very much. I like studying English. My teacher, Jenny, teaches me very carefully. She lets me always keep a keen interest in learning English. English is a good friend of mine. I speak it every day and I use it in our daily life. I do homework every day .The best way to learn English well is to listen more, read more and write more. ? [圖片4] 出色學員:Ellen With a dream of speaking English fluently, I joined the SRF in this August.? I met my specific teacher whose name is Athena, at first sight, I thought Athena is a foreign teacher due to her western facial appearance and figure by mistake. Her passionate and exaggerated expression teaching style interested me very much. She also gives me a lot of guidance and help with a warm heart while I study English. There are many different courses in the school, we can improve our pronunciation, grammar, enhance our language sense, and even learn commercial etiquette via study...I felt that I returned to the student hood, it is a wonderful feeling!?
愛尚出色師資介紹 ? [圖片5] Michelle老師 擅長科目:口語,聽力,閱讀 學歷:英語教育碩士 教學經驗:英語教育碩士,英語專業八級,有10年英語教學經驗。這些年的教學經歷讓我明白,沒有教不好的學生,只有不努力的老師。我注重和孩子們 的溝通和交流,發掘他們的興趣點,進而讓自己的課程符合學生的認知規律,注重理解記憶,提高課堂效率,曾在多家英語學校擔任教學主管。 ? [圖片6] Michael老師 資質: 英語專業八級 上海外國語*畢業 教學經驗:3年教學經驗,英文基礎扎實,發音標準清晰,口語流利。授課經驗豐富,善于運用活動來營造輕松愉快的課堂環境,讓學員在毫無壓力的情況下掌握知識,跟學員建立了深厚的友誼,既是老師,又是學習的朋友。 ? ? [圖片7] Liya老師 資質:國際TESOL英語教師 Liya老師是愛尚英語外籍教師,上課氣氛活躍,能夠帶動學生的上課積極性,ESP情景教學方式,增加和學生的英語互動,讓每位學員都敢于開口show英語。 多年的國內教育經驗,熟知*學生學習過程中遇到的問題,教學效果顯著! ? [圖片8] Linda老師 擅長科目:聽力 閱讀 資質:英語專業八級,BEC高級 教學經驗:5年教學經驗,英文功底扎實,發音標準清晰,口語流利,對英語學習及興趣的培養有獨到的見解。授課 經驗非常豐富,教學感染力強,流程清晰重點突出。教學方式創新多變,常根據不同的教學內容來采用不同的教學方式,選擇學生最易理解,最有興趣的,*掌握 的方法。能因材施教提高學生的學習激情,授課形式豐富多樣。 選擇愛尚的理由: 貼心:充足的面授課,學習效果顯著。 安心:學不會免費再讀,無后顧之憂。 舒心:自由選擇中外教師,自由訂課。 ? 相關課程介紹寧波學英語哪里好寧波英語培訓機構哪家好 ?
寧波哪家英語培訓好 ?
寧波哪個英語培訓好 ?