重慶漢普森英語分享日常英語口語大全,通過英語口語對話能夠在潛移默化中提高英語口語,同時也適用于增加英語詞匯量。重慶漢普森英語選取了生活中容易出現麻煩的場景,向大家介紹簡單實用的生活英語。本篇是:關于下棋的英語對話。? ? ? ?常用句子: 1 .Do you went to play a game of chess with me? 想不想和我下盤棋? 2. How did you lose the game? 你是怎么輸的? 3.He always caught my general with his cannonbehind his knight. 他總是用他的馬后炮打我的老將。 4.You don't have to be a winner in order to enjoy it. 下棋為娛樂不一定要爭輸底。 5. Why don't you leave the matter at that untilyou win at last each time? 你每次為什么非得贏才善罷甘休呢? 6. Shall we have a few games this evening? 今天晚上下幾盤怎么樣?? ? ? ? 對話: A:Would you please play Chinese chess with me? B:With pleasure. But I haven't played it for a longtime. A:That's all right. I'm only a beginner. B:Oh,look. There is a chessboard over there. Those two men have already finished playing. A :You're a very good player. B:You're flattering me. But once I won a prize. A:Really? Can you play other kind of chess game? B:Yes. When I was a little boy,I was fond of Chinese draughts and army chess. A;請你和我一起下象棋,好嗎? B:太榮幸了。但是,我有好長一段時間沒下棋了。 A:沒關系的。我才剛剛開始學。 B;哦,你看,那邊有副棋盤,那兩個人已經下完了。 A:你的棋下得真好。 B:過獎了。不過,我曾經得過一次獎。 A:是嗎?你還會下別的棋類嗎? B:會的,當我還是個小男孩的時候,我很喜歡下跳棋和軍棋。 以上就是重慶漢普森英語小編為您整理的關于下棋的英語對話,建議大家多學多練,以增進英語口語能力為目標。