托福寫作范文|關于作業的托福寫作范文與解析。托福考試作文是一個大的得分點,但是有很多托福考生沒能把握好導致失分嚴重。深圳英語根據多年的托福培訓經驗從出色托福作文中抽取出有代表性的范文及解析,提供給大家借鑒,以下就是深圳英語小編為您整理的:托福寫作范文|關于作業的托福寫作范文與解析。 ? 托福寫作范文|關于作業的托福寫作范文與解析題目: ? A or DA: Students can use their mobile phones to surf on the internet or listen to the music while doing their homework. ? 題型:應不應該 ? 論點:讓步 ? 角度:利弊分析 ? 開頭:不能邊寫作業邊用手機上網或聽音樂 。(話題引入 +雙方 /某方觀點 +我的觀點及過渡) ? Our age witnesses that the mobile phone has undergone a tremendous change from a sign of wealth and social status to a life necessity. Also, the function of the mobile phone extends from basic voice communication to browsing websites and listening ? to ? music. ? Reportedly, ?nowadays ? quite ? a ? few ? students ? do ? their homework ?with ?music ?or ?Internet ?around ?by ?cellphones. ?As ?for ?me, ?the above-?﹎entioned practice is a real bad habit that should be avoided when it comes to doing homework. And my reasons and examples are as given below.(90 字) ? 中間段 ?1:聽音樂和上網不利于集中精力完成作業 。(主題句 +說理論證 +細節例子) ? Firstly, it is impossible for students to concentrate on their homework while they are doing something else at the same time. This is because homework usually demands a relatively quite place and preoccupation from the student. Conversely, if a student is doing homework and listening to music or surfing online as well, his or her attention is being torn apart and the efficiency of finishing homework must be affected. A good case in point is that when I am working on a mission such as preparing a presentation, I have to devote all of my attention on it and cannot afford any slight disturbance. If I randomly refresh my Weibo or Wechat on cellphone, my job would be bound to last for longer time. ?(124 字) ? 中間段 2:聽音樂和上網損害健康 。(主題句 +說理論證 +細節例子) ? Besides, distraction or multitasking is likely to harm students' health. Imagine a student, who is in the middle of doing homework, chooses his favorite music and has a ?glimpse of the latest news online from time to ?time. In ?that ?case, the student is dealing with several jobs simultaneously, just like a computer and this is what we called “multitasking”。 But according to a recent research, multitasking is somewhat increasing our mental burden and making the process a tiring and exhausted one. For instance, my neighbor, a woman who not only has to take care of her newborn baby but also should work to support the family, suffers from insomnia because of overstrain. ?(113 字) ? 讓步: 邊寫作業邊上網或聽音樂對于一部分學生而言, 起到一個舒緩情緒 的作用。 但是 (打壓) 潛意識還是有分心的作用, 其實, 比較好的舒緩情緒 是集中精力完成作業后聽一曲輕音樂或古典音樂。 ? Admittedly, some students claim that listening to music or surfing online can be reducing the anxiety and tension while doing homework. But you never know, people's sub consciousness is actually distracted, which not only impairs the progress of work but also burdens their nerve. Hence, the real way to relax minds is to kick off your shoes and sit back with listening to a light or classic music when finishing the whole work rather than during the process.(78 字) ? 結尾:重申觀點,歸納理由 /升華主題 ? To put it into a nutshell, students should be preoccupied with their homework without being disturbed by any other distractions. If you were ? ?a cellphone——maniac, next time when you are doing your homework, you would better try to lock your cellphone in the safe box and throw the key away.(50 字) ? 以上就是深圳英語小編為您整理的:托福寫作范文|關于作業的托福寫作范文與解析。深圳英語在此提醒大家,作文切忌死記硬背,合理的使用托福寫作范文,正確對待托福考試。