A: Good morning, Mr. Smith. Here is our contract. Please go over it and see if everything is in order.
B: Let me have a look. Don't you think we're supposed to add a sentence here? "In case of breach of any of the
provisions of this agreement by one party,the other party shall have the right to terminate this agreement by giving notice in written form to its opposite party.
? ? ? ?A: OK, I'll add it in the contract. Do you have any comments on other terms?
B: Well, I think the contract needs some modifications. Our customer called us
yesterday and told us they were in urgent need of the goods. They want to see the goods on display by the end of this month.
Therefore, shall we adjust the delivery date, making it ten days or a week earlier?
A: There is little possibility to meet your requirement unless the mode of transportation is changed. As usual,it is much faster to have the goods sent by air than by railway, but in that way,you have to bear the extra freight.
B: I see. Let's do as what you say. We transport the goods by plane and the delivery date should be 25th October.Is that OK for you?
A: OK.
B: I'd like to emphasize once again how important your timely delivery is. If
you fail to deliver the goods at the time stipulated in the contract, our clients may turn elsewhere. We just can't stand such kind of loss.
A: Mr. Smith, it is our permanent principle that commercial integrity is maintained.So, anything else you want to bring up for discussion?
B: No, nothing more. The contract contains basically all we have agreed upon during our negotiations.
A: Good. I'll have the contract amended tonight. Shall we sign the contract tomorrow morning?
B: Oh yes. I'm glad that our negotiation has come to a successful conclusion.