“八卦”一詞其實是有多種含義,不過現(xiàn)在更經(jīng)常被用來指代流言蜚語或是閑言碎語。其實“八卦”還有一個意思就是*古代的基本哲學觀念,用于反映了古人對現(xiàn)實世界的樸素認識,英語可以把它翻譯為“the Eight Trigrams”或“the Eight Hexagrams”。
1.The Eight Trigrams are a set of symbolic signs created in ancient China.(“八卦”好似*古代創(chuàng)造的一套有象征意義的符號。)
然而,現(xiàn)在更經(jīng)常使用的含義是流言蜚語,也就是gossip: conversation about unimportant subjects, especially people’s private lives.
Eg: Nowadays, people seem to be more interested in gossip and not so much the music.
另外,gossip除了“八卦新聞”的意思之外還有“愛閑聊的人,八卦的人,好嚼舌的人”。sb. who habitually discusses the personal details of others' lives. 以及作動詞時還有“說長道短”的意思,(to spread rumours or tell people the personal details of others' lives, especially maliciously) 英語可以翻譯為“to be gossipy ”或“to be fond of gossip. 常見的用詞還有指娛樂界的花邊新聞,翻譯成英文就是“entertainment gossip”.
Eg: This website covers not only the latest celebrity gossip but also all the general entertainment.這個網(wǎng)站報道的不僅有*的名人八卦,還有所有普通的娛樂八卦。
還有g(shù)ossip/gossipy news, gossip/gossipy magazine 也就是我們平常說的“八卦新聞”和“八卦雜志。”
Eg: No one can find the latest celebrity gossipy news now on this website.
She thought that you would believe in the gossip magazine was the cover price.