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      全國統一學習專線 9:00-21:00

      位置:北京語言培訓資訊 > 北京英語培訓資訊 > 怎樣用英語口語形容東西貴


      日期:2019-08-20 13:11:47     瀏覽:1106    來源:天才領路者

      俗話說的“一分錢一分貨”,在經濟學中的價值規律是:商品的價格在一定程度上體現了該商品的價值。今天小編主要給大家分享怎樣用英語口語形容東西貴,希望對你們有幫助! ?



      怎樣用英語口語形容東西貴 ?

      1. can't afford: if you can't affordsomething, you do not have enough money to buy it or pay for it 買不起,付不起錢 ?

      例: ?

      I really need a new coat, but I can'tafford one. (我很需要一件新外套,但我買不起。) ?

      We couldn't afford to go on holiday lastyear. (去年,我們沒錢去旅行。) ?

      Hiring a lawyer would be expensive, and shejust couldn't afford it. (請律師很貴,她沒那么多錢。) ?

      2. exorbitant/extortionate: prices,charges, rents etc. that are exorbitant or extortionate, are very much higherthan they should be, and you think they are unfair 價格多少錢高得過分 ?

      例: ?

      The restaurant charges exorbitant pricesfor very ordinary food. (這個餐館非常普通的菜價格多少錢都很貴。) ?

      Interest rates for some of the credit cardsare extortionate. (有的信用卡利息很高。) ?

      Many local taxi drivers charge extortionaterates. (這里很多出租車收費都很高。) ?

      3. be a rip-off: you say somethingis a rip-off when you think someone is unfairly charging too much money for it 太貴了,宰人 ?

      備注:''be arip-off''常用于口語中。 ?

      例: ?

      Eighty dollars for a pair of jeans? What arip-off! (一條牛仔褲80美元?宰人啊!) ?

      The meal was a rip-off and the service wasappalling. (這頓飯好貴,服務又差!) ?

      The vacation package we bought ended upbeing a total rip-off. (這個旅行套餐我們買貴了!) ?

      補充:還有''rip-off''的動詞形式''rip off'',也可以用來表達很貴這個意思。 ?

      例: ?

      The agency really ripped us off. (中介把我們狠宰了一頓。) ?

      4. prohibitive/prohibitively expensive: prices or costs that are prohibitive or prohibitively expensiveare so high that people cannot pay them or decide not to pay them because theyare too expensive 太貴,人們支付不起 ?

      例: ?

      For most people, the cost of living in thecenter of town is prohibitive. (對大多數人來說,市中心的生活成本太高。) ?

      The cost of land in Tokyo is prohibitive. (東京房價很貴。) ?

      The computer was superior to others, but itwas prohibitively expensive. (這種電腦比其他的好,但是太貴了。) ?

      5. inflated prices: prices that aremuch higher than usual and much higher than they should be, so that the personwho charges them can make a big profit 暴利價,比實際價值高很多的標價 ?

      例: ?

      Nightclubs often charge inflated prices fordrinks. (酒吧的酒很貴。) ?

      Some people buy large blocks of tickets andthen try to sell them at vastly inflated prices. (有些人先買了很多票,然后再高價賣出。) ?

      6. steep: prices, charges,rents etc. that are steep seem unusually or surprisingly high 貴得嚇人 ?

      備注:''steep''是非正式的用法。 ?

      例: ?

      I think 7 for a drink is a bit steep,don't you? (我認為7英鎊一杯飲料太貴了吧,你認為嗎?) ?

      It's hard to find an apartment around here,and when you do the rents are pretty steep. (這附近很難找到要出租的公寓,即使找到了,房租也很貴。) ?

      7. be daylight robbery / be highway robbery: if you say that a price or charge is daylight robbery or highwayrobbery you mean it is very much higher than it should be 賣得太貴,簡直像是搶錢 ?

      備注:''bedaylight robbery''是英式英語的用法,''be highway robbery''是美式英語的用法。 ?

      例: ?

      I'm not paying 5 for an ice-creamthat'sdaylight robbery! (冰淇淋5英鎊一個?!簡直是搶錢啊!) ?

      We knew it was highway robbery, but we hadno choice but to pay. (我們知道這擺明就是要宰人,但沒辦法,也只好買單了。 ?

      8. price something out of the market:to make something so expensive that people will no longer buy it because theycan buy something similar at a lower price (便宜貨)把某貴價物品擠出市場 ?

      例: ?

      British electrical equipment is likely tobe priced out of the market by cheap imports. (英國產的電器可能會被便宜的進口貨擠出市場。) ?

      Ford don't want to raise its prices anymoreit's worried about pricing itself out of the market. (福特不敢再漲價了,怕貴到沒人買。) ?

      9. overcharge: to charge someone toomuch money for something 收費太貴 ?

      例: ?

      They were being overcharged for cheap beer.(他們啤酒買得太貴了。) ?

      10. overpriced: something that isoverpriced is more expensive than it should be 標價太貴 ?

      例: ?

      The DVDs were vastly overpriced. (這些DVD太貴了。) ?


      價格偏貴用英語口語怎么表達 ?

      要表達“價格偏貴”這個意思,你會怎么說?有同學譯成the price is expensive,告訴你,這個絕對是錯誤。你高中英語老師要跳出來說你啦!外企老板也會無語!老師強調過上百次,在英語里面,千萬不要用expensive 來形容價格price,expensive是形容物體價值,比如說the car is expensive,或者 the book is expensive,cheap也是一樣的用法。要表達價格高低,應該用high 和low,“價格偏貴,價格偏高”的地道表達是the price is on the high side,價格偏低就是the price is on the low side。 ?

      我們通過例句來學習on the high side 的用法: ?

      I like the house but I think the price is on the high side. ?

      我喜歡這房子但它的價格太高了。 ?

      Your price is still on the high side even if we take quality into consideration. ?

      即使將質量考慮在內,你們的價格還是偏高。 ?

      要記住了,在中文里面“價格偏高”和“價格偏貴”是一個意思,在英語里面,價格不能用expensive 形容。我們總結今天內容:雙方都做讓步,meet each other half way;“流行價”,prevailing price;“大路貨”,goods of fair average quality;說“成交,達成協議”,strike a bargain。 ?

      便宜點用英語口語怎么說 ?

      What a good deal! ?

      字面意思就是“一樁好交易”,即 “劃算、便宜” ?

      Really? What a good deal! Where did you get it? ?

      真的嗎?真便宜!你在哪里買到的? ?

      That is a (real) bargain/What a bargain! ?

      bargain 有“特價商品” 的意思,則指廉價出售的商品 ?

      What a bargain, let's buy it. ?

      這么便宜,讓我們買了吧。 ?

      That's a steal! ?

      便宜貨,幾乎都算不上掏了錢就可以買到,多用于美國非正式口語 ?

      The meal only cost 200 Yuan, that's a steal! ?

      這餐只花了200塊,真便宜! ?

      for a song ?

      價格不貴,特別便宜。這個習慣用語可以追溯到十六世紀晚期。ZUI早的時候,For a Song是指給街頭藝人的便士,也就是幾個小錢的意思。 ?

      We bought this car for a song. ?

      我們買的這輛車非常便宜。 ?

      Knockdown ?

      除了有“擊倒”的意思,名詞可作“減價” ?

      Now's your chance to buy these items at knockdown prices. ?

      機會難得,價格超低! ?



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