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      天才教育網合作機構 > 北京語言培訓機構 > 北京英語培訓機構 >




      全國統一學習專線 9:00-21:00

      位置:北京語言培訓資訊 > 北京英語培訓資訊 > 談論健康與保健的英文對話-番禺伯樂英語


      日期:2019-08-19 17:36:04     瀏覽:547    來源:天才領路者
        談論健康與保健的英文對話-番禺伯樂英語 ?   (1) ?   A:What 'swrongwithyou,sir? ?   B:I feel very bad, doctor. I have got a sore throat and a bad cough.It is toopainfulto fall asleep. What is worst, I have no appetite for food.A:How long haveyou been feeling bad? ?   B:Morethanoneweek. ?   A: Whydidn 'tyoucomehereearlier? ?   B:Oh, I thought it was the flu. I used to take one pill when I got the flu, and Iwouldrecoversoon. However, it does notworkthistime. ?   A:Ok, let me take your temperature. It is nothing serious.You 'vejust got abadcold. ?   B:Whatshouldldo? ?   A:Don 't worry, nothing serious. Take this medicineyou 'Ilrecover soon.Butyou 'dbetter stay at home at least for one or two days. B:I see.What else should Ido? ?   A:Please remember to keep warm, otherwise, it will affect your recovery. Bytheway, after you recover, you 'd better take some physical exercises. It will dogoodtoyourhealth. ?   B:I 'Ildoasyoutellme. ?   (2) ?   A:Youdon 'tlookverywelItoday. What 'swrongwithyou? ?   B:I feel very weak, tired and difficult to breathe. I really feel quiteuncomfortable. ?   A:Iamsorrytohearthat.Ithinkyouareinthesub-healthstate. ?   B:Ithinkso. Whatshould Ido? ?   A:Are you always very busywith work?I knowthatyou haven 'tgotenoughrest. ?   Amlright? ?   B:Yes, you are quite right. I have worked too hard.A:You 'd better knowsomething about health care.B:Healthcare? ?   A:Yes. It istimeforyouto knowsomething about howto keep fit. ?   B:Sowhatshouldldo? ?   A:The most important thing is to have enough rest. A good rest is the key tokeephealthy. ?   B:Isee.Whatelse? ?   A:Do exercises regularly to reduce stress from your work and study. Forexample,play some sports after work. It can give you more energy andefficiency.B:Iwilltry.Anyothergoodadvice? ?   A:Nutrimentisalsoimportantforyourhealth. ?   B:Thankyouverymuch.Ihaveknowna lotabouthealthcare. ?   (3) ?   A:Whatistroublingyou? ?   B:There issomethingwrong with mystomach.Ifeelworried. ?   A:Howlong has it been going on? ?   B:Twodays. ?   A:Liedownand letmeexamineyou. ?   something about health care.B:Healthcare? ?   A:Yes. It istimeforyouto knowsomething about howto keep fit. ?   B:Sowhatshouldldo? ?   A:The most important thing is to have enough rest. A good rest is the key tokeephealthy. ?   B:Isee.Whatelse? ?   A:Do exercises regularly to reduce stress from your work and study. Forexample,play some sports after work. It can give you more energy andefficiency.B:Iwilltry.Anyothergoodadvice? ?   A:Nutrimentisalsoimportantforyourhealth. ?   B:Thankyouverymuch.Ihaveknowna lotabouthealthcare. ?   (3) ?   A:Whatistroublingyou? ?   B:There issomethingwrong with mystomach.Ifeelworried. ?   A:Howlong has it been going on? ?   B:Twodays. ?   A:Liedownand letmeexaminevou. ?   B:Yes. ?   B:Anythingserious? ?   A:It isstomachtrouble. Wouldyou IiketotrysomeChinese herbs? ?   B:Certainly, if itworks. ?   譯文: ?   (1) ?   A:你怎么啦,先生? ?   B:我覺得不太舒服。我喉嚨痛,而且咳嗽得厲害。太難受了,睡不了覺。更糟糕的是,我沒有任何的胃口。 ?   B:多久了? ?   A:超過一個星期了。 ?   B:為什么不早來呢? ?   A:我以為是流感。過去患流感時只要吃些藥就好了。可是,這一次沒有用了。 ?   B:我來測測你的體溫。沒有什么嚴重的。你只是患了重感冒而已。 ?   A:我該怎么辦呢? ?   B:Yes. ?   B:Anythingserious? ?   A:It isstomachtrouble. Wouldyou IiketotrysomeChinese herbs? ?   B:Certainly, if itworks. ?   譯文: ?   (1) ?   A:你怎么啦,先生? ?   B:我覺得不太舒服。我喉嚨痛,而且咳嗽得厲害。太難受了,睡不了覺。更糟糕的是,我沒有任何的胃口。 ?   B:多久了? ?   A:超過一個星期了。 ?   B:為什么不早來呢? ?   A:我以為是流感。過去患流感時只要吃些藥就好了。可是,這一次沒有用了。 ?   B:我來測測你的體溫。沒有什么嚴重的。你只是患了重感冒而已。 ?   A:我該怎么辦呢? ?   B:別緊張。只要你按時吃藥就沒有什么問題了.但是,你比較好待在家休息一兩天。 ?   A:我明白了,還有什么嗎? ?   B:記住要保暖,否則會影響到你的康復。順便說一下,等你好了,比較好是做些運動,對你的身體有好處. ?   A:我會按你說的去做。 ?   (2) ?   A:你今天看起來不大好。怎么啦? ?   B:我總是覺得很虛弱,疲勞,而且呼吸困難。我真的覺得很不舒服。 ?   A:我很遺憾。我想你是處于亞健康狀態了。 ?   B:我也覺得。那我該怎么辦呢? ?   A:你是不是總是忙于工作?我知道你沒有足夠的休息,對吧? ?   B:是的,你說得很對。我太拼命工作了. ?   A:你比較好了解一些關于保健的知識。 ?   B:保健? ?   A:是的。你該知道怎么樣去保持健康了。 ?   B:那我應該怎么辦呢? ?   A:重要的是有足夠的休息。保持健康的關鍵是有足夠的休息。 ?   B:我明白了,還有什么嗎? ?   A:定期做運動來減少工作和學習的壓力。比如,工作后做些運動,它會讓你覺得更有精力,做事有更高的效率。 ?   B:我試試。還有其他好的建議嗎? ?   A:營養對你的健康也很重要。 ?   B:非常感謝你。我已經了解了很多關于保健的知識了。 ?   (3) ?   A:哪兒不舒服? ?   B:我的胃不舒服。我有些擔心。 ?   A:這種癥狀持續多久了? ?   B:兩天了。 ?   A:躺下來讓我檢查。 ?   B:好的 ?   B:嚴重嗎? ?   A:這是胃病。你要試一下中藥嗎? ?   B:當然.如果有效的話。 ?   Words, Expressionsand Notes單詞、詞句和注釋nutritious有營養的 ?   You areinthesub-health state. ?   你處于亞健康狀態. ?   You 'd betterknowsomething about healthcare. ?   你比較好了解一些關于保健的知識。 ?   


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