隨著國際禁令解封,現在很多人都在為出國留學做打算,但出國留學外語是必備的,今天就隨小編來了解一下雅思口語5.5分是什么水平,還有這些雅思口語5分是什么感覺??? 也是大家所關心的
先聽:【引以為戒】雅思口語5分官方示范The person who I’d like to speak about is…Heis a writer…He won the noble prize … in .He is from the north of the….He’s from the coast…and…he is very famous because he has writing…he’swriting about the…Norman or …pirate country that is very exciting because they have a lot of …histories and…he try to write very …uh…tobegin…funny…em…knowledge. He try to …show these pirate how…they…they war, that is very every time. And they…they try to show em…em…in a good way…howthe pirate war, because our country how many times we hear that is dangerous orother times we have crimes…he in this for example…yes…說了一分三十秒被打斷,考官實在聽不下去了點評:流利度:重復內容多,停頓很嚴重,多次自我糾正,語速很慢,1分30秒共說了105個單詞,算下來語速才每分鐘70個單詞。英語中低于110個單詞就是slow speech了。連貫度:多次出現前言不搭后語,整個演講沒有邏輯條理可循詞匯:詞匯量非常匱乏,幾乎沒有高級詞匯,沒有使用過一次俗語語法:主要都是簡單句,而且錯誤的句子居多,只少量使用過幾次狀語從句發音:幾次出現無法理解的發音,從頭到位帶有嚴重的母語影響