工作的英語單詞怎么寫:work/job/task/career。例句:我們現在的工作多半是承辦吃宴。Most of our work now involves catering for eating.一旦我到了邁阿密就能找到工作。Once I'm in Miami I can get a job. 2.我盡量不讓工作干擾我的私生活。I try not to let work interfere with my personal life. 3.他從不讓工作擾亂他的家庭生活。He never allows work to encroach upon his family life. 4.我可以肯定,誰都不會丟掉工作。I can affirm that no one will lose their job. 5.這項工作是以最少的開銷完成的。The work was carried out at minimal cost. 關注公眾號:聽英語故事
職業用英語怎么讀 ,工作的英語單詞怎么讀??。*我也跟大家說說,一旦決定學習英語就千萬不要放棄,加油!