2020的同學, 距離2020考研初試還有199天,慢慢緊張起來吧!
01 長難句And poorer families tend to spend a much larger share of their incomes on housing and other basic needs than their wealthier counterparts, who are more likely to put their money into insurance and retirement.
思考題:Poorer families will spend more money on safety net than welathier families will.
02 句子切分1.And poorer families tend to spend a much larger share of their incomes on housing and other basic needs
2. than their wealthier counterparts,
3.who are more likely to put their money into insurance and retirement.
03 詞匯突破1. counterpart 對應(yīng)人,對應(yīng)物;(翻譯的時候就要找到指代的對象) President Trump will meet his North Korea counterpart this month. (本月,特朗普總統(tǒng)將和金正恩會面)2. insurance and retirement 保險和退休3.safety net 安全網(wǎng) (大家要知道安全網(wǎng)指的就是保險。不清楚的就去看看07年第四篇文章第二段456句。)
04 參考翻譯相比之下,窮人家庭把更多的收入花在住房和基本需求上,而富裕家庭則更可能把錢花在保險和退休上。
05 明天的句子As immigration reform remains at a standstill, and the Trump administration eyes even more restrictionist immigration policies, many in Silicon Valley are worried the United States is losing its competitive advantage—just what they were hoping to guard against with a start-up visa.
思考題:According to Silicon Valley, the start-up visa can bring the United States the competitive edge.