續種補種方案 follow-up inoculation plan 請看例句: A follow-up inoculation plan has been issued by the National Health Comssion and the State Drug Administration for people who have received rabies vaccines from Changchun Changsheng Bio-tech Co. 近日,*衛生健康會和*藥品監督管理局針對此前接種過長春長生生物科技有限公司狂犬病疫苗的人群發布了續種補種方案。
方案指出,接種過長春長生狂犬病疫苗且尚未完成整個接種程序者(those who have received the vaccines from Changchun Changsheng Bio-tech Co but have not gone through the entire inoculation procedure),接種單位免費續種其他公司合格疫苗。已完成接種程序者(those who have completed the procedure),如受種者有補種意愿(still want reinoculation),接種單位在告知防控知識、疫苗的保護作用、接種后注意事項等內容后(being informed by vaccination institutions about prevention and control, the functions of the vaccines and post-inoculation tips),可免費補種(get vaccines for free)。
方案明確,接種單位設置醒目標識,安排有經驗的醫務人員提供服務,向社會公開聯系方式(make contact information public)。縣級以上地方衛生健康*要各確定1家醫療機構,作為轄區內進一步臨床觀察的定點醫療機構(designated medical institution)。*、省級和地市級組建專家組(expert panel),包括臨床研究(clinical studies)、疾病預防控制(disease prevention and control)以及管理領域等專家,指導做好相關服務。
[相關詞匯] 靜脈注射 intravenous injection 皮下注射 hypodermic injection 疫苗注射 vaccination/vaccine injection 注射 execution by lethal injection