必背 | 專升本英語英漢翻譯 。今天小編為大家整理了專升本備考必備的專升本英語英漢翻譯,希望能幫助到正在備考專升本的寶寶們,下面就請大家跟隨小編一起來看看吧~ 1. It is a pity that I should be at school instead of lying here in hospital. 2. A letter from her son, which had just been delivered to her, greatly relieved her anxiety. 3. Be sure to set aside enough money each month so that you can pay your tuition for the next term. 4. It is well known that many of our problems are caused at least in part by failure to communicate. 5. Is everything running well in your office? 1.真可惜,我應該在學校而不是躺在醫院里。 2.她剛收到兒子的來信,這大大減輕了她的憂慮。 3.每月一定要留出足夠的錢,這樣你就能付下學期的學費了。