Shanghai Corporate English Training
Market Leader
Market Leader Corporate English Training(-) is a global education management company with 18 offices across china: shanghai, Ningbo, Nantong, Changzhou, Suzhou, Nanjing, Dalian, Beijing, Taiwan, Hong Kong, ingdao, Macau, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Shenzhen, Changsha, Zhuhai, Shenyang. we also employ over 350 full time trainer/consultants with china specific experience. Founded in 1997, we offer a scalable, on-demand language solution that helps employees of Fortune500 improve their ability to communicate effectively in English and enables companies to succeed in the global marketplace.
一、培訓形式 Training Form
Corporate training: Send trainers to the corporation.
二、課程進階 Process of Courses
Market leader Program is comprised of eight stages: Icebreaker; Threshold; Beginner; Lower Intermediate; Business-intermediate; Intermediate; Business-Advanced; Advanced. Progressive study objectives are set for each stage to effectively guide students toward mastery of the language.
- 入門 Icebreaker
To be able to use some words and grammar, to make simple conversations.
- 基礎 Threshold
To be able to learn some English language patterns, to talk about daily activities.
- 進階 Beginner
To be able to give personal information with the past, present and future tense. Basic language ability of living abroad.
- 中級 Lower Intermediate
To be able to decribe daily life with simple sentences and to talk freely with English speakers about daily activites.
- 中高級 Intermediate
To be familiar with the language struture and to be able to use English competently in a number of different situations.
- 商務進階 Business-intermediate
將在典型的商務環境中加強商務用詞的拓展,內容涉及:商務會議、談判、面試、以及客戶服務、生產、市場、金融等等 。
To enlarge business vocabulary, and to be able to communicate in English in typical business situations, such as meetings, negotiation and areas include: customer service, manufacturing, marketing , finance, and so on.
- 商務高級 Business-Advanced
To be able to use complicated and analytical expressions, focused on topics such as business negotiations, policy making, and activity design, business writing is also emphasized.
- 專家級 Advanced
To be able to talk about all daily activities as well as academic subjects. To achieve almost native speaker-like fluency.
三.我們的教材 Our Textbooks
*部分:商務基礎 Basic business
詞匯 Vocabulary
語法 Grammar
完美發音 Perfect pronunciation
第二部分:商務寫作 Business writing
信件 Letters
備忘錄 Memos
報告, Reports
電子郵件 E-mails
商務計劃 Biz plan
風險投資計劃 VC plan
第三部分:商務演示 Business presentations
開場白 Opening Remarks
項目介紹演示 Introducing the Subject and the outline of thePresentation
在演講中的話語 Developing the Speech Text
禮貌和肢體語言 Manners and body language
聽講者反潰信息 Reference to the Audience
結束語 Closing
第四部分:公開演講 Public speaking
戰勝恐懼 Conuer the Fear
做好準備 Summarizing
結尾 Concluding
對問題反應 Response to uestions
借助媒體 Media skills
第五部分:電話接聽技巧 Telephone Techniues
打電話聯系 Calling contacts
跟蹤電話 Follow-up calls
電話推銷 Cold Calls
處理投訴 Handling complaints
第六部分:會議 Meetings
議程設置 Agenda setting
同意和爭執 Agreeing and disagreeing
應對挑戰 Challenging
解決問題的能力 Problem solving
第七部分:談判 Negotiations
討價還價 Bargaining
肯定的獲得 Getting to “YES”
處理沖突 Managing conflict
第八部分:全球商務文化差異Cross-culture business& Globalization
文化意識 Cultural awareness
文化差異 Culture difference
第九部分:娛樂休閑 Entertaining& leisure activities
推薦 Recommending
提出邀請 Inviting and offering
第十部分:拜訪 Appointments
打電話預約 Telephoning to make appointments
尋找合適的時間 Finding a suitable time
改變約會 Changing appointments
第十一部分:社交 Socializing
見面 Meeting people
建立人際關系 Making connections
跟進 Following up
第十二部分:時間管理 Time management
日程安排 Planning your schedule
規劃項目 Planning projects
應對壓力 Dealing with stress
四. 我們的師資團隊 Our Teacher Group
Solid support from the US headuarter strengthens our competitive advantages in faculties. Our foreign tutors are all native speakers from North America, Britain, Australia, etc. with rich experience in Hotel English Training. Moreover, teaching assistants and project managers will be at your disposal to assist in the whole training program.
五. 課程附加值 Value-added of the Courses
Each employee participating in the training can get a set of professional English language learning software for free.
Each employee participating in the training can have free access to professional services of written test system.
Each employee participating in the training can have free access to
professional services of spoken test system.
You can enjoy a variety of business activities planning services.
Long-term cooperation Companies can enjoy free psychological counseling to their
employees, management training and other professional training services.
六.聯系我們 Contact Us
Official Website: -
7017,Huacheng Building,601#,Zhang Yang RD.,Pudong Shanghai