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      全國統一學習專線 9:00-21:00

      位置:深圳研究生考試培訓班 > 深圳博士培訓班 > 深圳力合教育泰國宣素那他皇家國際免聯考雙證博士班



      授課機構: 深圳力合教育

      課程價格: 請咨詢客服


      上課地址: 請咨詢客服

      優惠價格: 請咨詢客服







       Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University



      The Kingdom of Thailand, with constitutional monarchy, is the second largest economic entity in Southeast Asia. 90% of people in Thailand embrace Buddhism, so this country is also known as "Smile Buddhist Nation" due to its affability. China and Thailand share hundreds of years friendship and mutual cultural communication, with geographical adjacence and rooted connection.  

      Thailand is the major country along the "One Belt One Road" which is proposed by China. And China-ASEAN Free Trade Area has been upgraded comprehensively, with the trade amount predicted to reach 1 trillion USD and new bilateral investment to reach 150 billion USD. The rapid increasing of mutual investment and enterprise between China and Thailand will provide extensive job opportunities in China-ASEAN area for those international talents who have studied in Thailand.


      泰國是 "一帶一路"建設重要沿線*,*——東盟自貿區升級全面實施,2020年*與東盟貿易額達到10000億美元、新增雙向投資1500億美元。中泰兩國互相投資額度和企業數量急劇倍增,這都將為赴泰留學的國際人才在*——東盟地區就業提供了廣闊的發展空間。

      2Education Situation in Thailand泰國教育  

      Since 1887, King Chulalongkorn has established specialized Ministry of Education to take charge of the national education management and educational system standardization, following the example in Europe and America. It’s extremely strict with education quality evaluation by Thailand government, for there is an independent agency-Office of National Education Standard and Quality Assessment (ONESQA) directly managed by premier and vice-premier, sharing the same level with Ministry of Education, so as to guarantee the justice of education quality assessment standard.

      The high education in Thailand adopts European and American mode on curriculum arrangement, education method and system, with most teaching materials introduced from there. It’s widely approved in international education field and examination agencies for the high education quality level in Thailand.



      3Brief Introduction*簡介

      Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, founded in 1937 and named after the queen of Rama V, King Chulalongkorn, is one of the top-ranking national universities. Among the 38 royal universities in Thailand, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University has ranked the first constantly in 8 years in the comprehensive evaluation on National High Education Quality. In this university, there are 12 institutions and affiliated primary schools & high schools, 29,000 full-time students, 120 bachelor master and doctor degree programs. The main campus is located in Bangkok Suan Sunandha Royal Garden nearing the imperial palace, and the other four campuses are respectively in Nakhon Pathom, Ranong, Samut Songkhram, Udonthani.

      Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University also carries out academic and educational cooperation and exchanges with many foreign universities and institutions in AsiaEuropeAmerica and so on, and it has cooperated with many famous universities in China.



      4University Ranking學校排名

      根據Unirank 2020年泰國*排名:(Top Universities in Thailand | 2020 Thai University Ranking)




      5. Advantages項目優勢

      1. Superior rare educational resources. Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University is one of the top-ranking national universities in Thailand, with abundant qualified faculty. Some of the professors have the background of studying in Europe and America.

      2. All courses are mainly in English and provide Chinese translation. No IELTS or TOEFL score is required for admission.

      3. Beautiful royal garden campus with distinct geographical location. The main campus is in the downtown of Bangkok, more than 50 buildings in total located in the royal garden of Rama V Palace, which endows the campus with profound historical deposits and strong academic atmosphere. The transportation for the main campus is very convenient, where Chinese students will study for the whole school year.

      4. Campus security. The main campus shares the common wall with palace and is protected by royal guards.

      5. Comfortable dormitory. There are some hotels in Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, with one of them can meet the international students require , as well as free pool, gym and buffet breakfast.

      6. Advanced facilities and separate sports halls. Various kinds of food and drinks are supplied in school restaurant, Library and Gymnasium are well-appointed in the school.

      7. Overseas students can enjoy the service from supervisors and instructors who can speak Chinese, English and Thai, and can provide airport pickup, student registration, course registration, study supervision, visa, medical and other services.

      8. Provide the one-stop service, including application, graduation, overseas and domestic degree certification by Ministry of Education.









      6. Degree、Program and Tuition學位專業

      Explanation of fees:The fees include tuition fee, application fee, registration fee, international student management fee, handouts in English and Chinese for the lecture, in-class translation fees, thesis guidance fee, library resource fee, domestic and overseas students service fee; The fees doesn’t include Visa fee, notarization fee, double certification fee, teaching materials fee, insurance fee, course retaking, visiting practice in teaching, English tutoring expect teaching, room and board fee, domestic and foreign academic degree certification and other fees. After registration, no fees can be returned if the student withdraws because of personal reason, or is expelled by the university because of violating the discipline.


      7、Study Model學習方式


      Language Requirement:IETS 5.0 or corresponding TOEFL score, or taking English Training courses held by SSRU (English Training Fees is THB 20000.00). Main teaching language for PhD courses is English, and some courses are helped in Chinese.

      Teaching Area: Campus in Bangkok (If there is natural disasters or international infectious diseases during school, CIM will flexibly take online teaching and recognize online course credits for the safety of teachers and students)

      Starting Time:March in Spring, August in Autumn

      Admission Requirements: Applicant must have Master Degree and transcript.

      Course Arrangement: Courses will be intensively taught 3-5 times a year in Bangkok campus, about 15 days each time, with a total of no less than 180 days in 3 years. After the completion of the professional courses, students can return to China for thesis research.

      Course assessment: Attendance + Homework + Exam, submitted in English

      Degree Awarding: Students who meet the requirements for PhD degree awarding upon graduation will be awarded the PhD degree by Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University.









      8Application materials申請材料





      9Steps of entering school入學流程

      Step 1: Submit application materials, fill in the application form and pay application fees RMB 10000Yuan.

      Step 2: SSRU review the materials, those who pass the interview attend interview, and wait for letter of admission.

      Step 3: Students receive the admission letter, pay the fees, and sign the information notice for admission.

      Step 4: SSRU receives the tuition fee and assists t student to apply for student visa.

      Step 5: Prepare to go abroad. Check the instruction brochure when going abroad, study the student rules, confirm the accommodation, prepare going abroad and pick-up arrangement.






      10Degree certified by Chinese Ministry of Education*教育部認證學位

      Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University is the recommended university on the overseas supervision Information website of Ministry of Education in China, with the serial number of 53.


      The Ministries of Education of China and Thailand has officially signed the Agreement on Mutual Recognition of High Education Diploma and Degree by the Ministries of Education in The Kingdom of Thailand and People’s Republic of China in 2007 and 2010, whose applied scope states that all degrees issued by the approved universities of Ministry of Education in both country are mutually recognized.


      11Returned Student Policy留學回國人員政策

      The overseas students can not only share the same rights with domestic graduates, but also have the policy privileges in employment, settlement, start-up capital support provided by government and duty-free car purchase. In addition, it can be filed according to assessment of national personnel department, which will provide the important basis for participating in the civil servant examination and promotion in enterprises and public institutions.








      12Guangdong Office of PhD Program of Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University




      學員評價ASK list

      • 未**評價:好喜歡深圳力合教育老師的教學方式,在這里已經收獲適合的學習重點計劃,為自己進一步進步實現學習目標做好充分的準備,很期待接下來的學習收獲。
        手機號碼: 157****8579   評價時間: 2025-02-11
      • 先**評價:在深圳力合教育學習期間得到了老師們耐心的指導,提升了自己的綜合能力,對于管理工作也更加得心應手,很期待接下來的更多選擇內容,很值得期待接下來的學習內容。
        手機號碼: 133****5247   評價時間: 2025-02-11
      • 李**評價:MBA的課程就認可力合教育,能同時修兩個學位,這不是每個學校都有這個能耐的,不錯
        手機號碼: 151****5976   評價時間: 2025-02-11
      • 魏**評價:夢想和現實總是會有各種各樣的銜接點,在深圳力合教育學習期間,自己完成了這樣的過渡,相信在繼續努力之后自己可以收獲更多,將夢想拉向現實!
        手機號碼: 176****9474   評價時間: 2025-02-11
      • 女**評價:我是一名教師,有的時候真的沒有太多時間去備戰考研,慶幸認識了力合教育,我可以不出國讀碩士,也能拿到雙證,后面也可以參加評審。
        手機號碼: 189****9048   評價時間: 2025-02-11
      • 未**評價:在聽了深圳力合教育的試聽課后,就果斷報名了,感覺老師講的很全面,很細致,課堂也不是那種沉悶的,而是非常有趣,沒有讓我失望。
        手機號碼: 147****3367   評價時間: 2025-02-11
      • 未**評價:感謝深圳力合教育老師的耐心指導,期待著將繼續行動起來,力合教育的師資力量很強大能夠滿足學員的學習需要,很慶幸自己和好朋友一起選擇來這里學習!
        手機號碼: 188****4081   評價時間: 2025-02-11
      • 楊**評價:領導永遠不要跟下屬比技能,下屬肯定比你強;如果不比你強,說明你聘錯人了。1.要比眼光:比他看得遠;2.要比胸懷:領導的胸懷是委屈撐大的,要能容人所不容;3.要比實力:抗失敗的能力比他強;一個*的領導人的素質就是眼光、胸懷和實力。4.要比學習力:所有結果好的人都是思考和學習多的人,你的眼光、胸懷和實力都來源于你比別人學得多,悟得深,用得好!
        手機號碼: 151****8621   評價時間: 2025-02-11
      • 未**評價:他們家的總裁研修課程挺棒的,校友都很不錯,以后人脈這塊也不用擔心了
        手機號碼: 153****1835   評價時間: 2025-02-11

      更多培訓課程,學習資訊,課程優惠,課程開班,學校地址等學校信息,請進入 深圳力合教育網站詳細了解
      咨詢電話:13140882082   微信:13140882082


      還沒有找到合適的課程?趕快告訴課程顧問,讓我們顧問馬上聯系您! 靠譜 的培訓課程,省時又省力!



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